Harold Benjamin

Discrimination and the Burden of Proof – Supreme Court Clarifies the Law
Ever since a crucial alteration was made to the wording of the Equality Act 2010, the question of where the burden of proof lies in…

Neighbours Encroaching on Your Right of Way? Consult a Lawyer Today
Many homes or businesses are only accessible via neighbours’ land and that can prove fertile ground for dispute. However, as…

Neighbours Encroaching on Your Right of Way? Consult a Lawyer Today
If your company is trading in default of its tax obligations, the corporate veil may very well afford you no protection against the…

Record Amounts of Inheritance Tax Being Paid in UK
A record amount of Inheritance Tax (IHT) is being recouped from UK taxpayers by the Treasury, according to recent data published…

Suspension on Award of Fire Brigade Safety Equipment Contract Maintained
If you feel that you have been treated unfairly in a public contract tendering exercise, you are anything but powerless and should take…

Confidentiality of the Adoption Process Prevails in Parenthood Dispute
The confidentiality of the process by which an adopted child becomes part of a new, permanent and inviolable family unit is…

Court Upholds Planning Consent for Heliport Close to Fuel Storage Depots
Few human activities are entirely risk free but, when deciding whether to authorise potentially hazardous developments…

Father’s Failure to Make a Will Plunges His Widow Into Legal Difficulties
One of the best things you can do for your loved ones is to sign a professionally drafted will. As a High Court case showed, failing to take…

Employer Pays High Price for Turning Blind Eye to ‘Toxic’ Office Culture
Banter is one thing, but employers who turn a blind eye to workplaces descending into toxic arenas of discriminatory abuse can…

Negligent Education – Boy Let Down by Private School Wins Compensation
Parents who send their children to private school are entitled to expect that they will receive a reasonable standard of education…