Harold Benjamin

Chinese Restaurant Sees Off Tax Authorities in Takings Suppression Dispute
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) officers wield great power but are not immune from error and, with the right legal advice, their decisions…

COVID-19 – Procurement Dispute Focuses on Award of Face Masks Contract
The means by which the government procured urgent supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the early days of the COVID-19…

Promoted to Partner in an LLP? Do You Understand the Tax Implications?
Stepping up from the ranks to become a full partner in a limited liability partnership (LLP) involves a fundamental change in status…

Homeowner Pays Price for Unauthorised Subterranean Leisure Development
Judges play a crucial enforcement role in the planning process and those who fail to comply with their orders can expect stern…

Even Modest Sole Traders Can Reap the Benefits of Trade Mark Protection
No matter how small your business may be, it is always worth engaging a solicitor to ensure that you have proper trade mark protection….

Court Honours Woman’s Intentions by Correcting Clerical Error in Her Will
Even the most carefully drafted will can contain inadvertent clerical errors that leave room for doubt as to the document’s true meaning…

Break Clauses in Commercial Leases – What Does ‘Vacant Possession’ Mean?
Commercial leases frequently stipulate that premises are to be handed back to the landlord ‘with vacant possession’ – but what…

Divorce – Intransigence and Dogmatism Will Only Increase Your Pain
An intransigent and dogmatic approach to divorce is an infallible way of making the process far more painful and costly…

COVID-19 – Carer Sacked After Visiting Pub Wins Unfair Dismissal Claim
The pressure put on many employment relationships by COVID-19 was illustrated by the case of a care worker who was sacked…

COVID-19 – Court Authorises Cessation of Father’s Life-Sustaining Treatment
It often falls to judges to address the most dreadful consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. That was certainly so in a case…