Harold Benjamin

Whistleblowing Nurse’s Dismissal ‘Grossly Unfair’
There are few things more serious in an employment context than sacking a whistleblower for performing a valuable public service. The Employment…

Dying With Your Affairs in Disarray is a Poisoned Legacy for Your Loved Ones
Not every life is profitable, at least in financial terms, and it is important to remember that your debts do not die…

Bidding at an Auction? Do You Understand Your Legal Obligations?
There are few things more thrilling than bidding at an auction, but raising your paddle has very real legal consequences…

Seeking Investment Advice? Only Authorised Practitioners Can Be Trusted
When seeking investment advice, it is vital to only use the services of authorised practitioners who are highly qualified…

Hotel Management Company Director Pays Personal Price for VAT Default
If your company is trading in default of its tax obligations, the corporate veil may very well afford you no protection against the…

Homeowner Mis-Sold Solar Panels Awarded Thousands in Compensation
If you buy goods that fail to live up to a salesman’s hyperbole, you may be entitled to compensation and should consult a solicitor…

High Court Detects Apparent Bias in Residential Planning Decision
Justice should not only be done but should be seen to be done. That phrase may be somewhat hackneyed but, as a…

Family Judge Gives Girl in Foster Care a New Double-Barrelled Surname
Surnames reflect family heritage and most people view them as an essential part of their identities as human beings….

Indirect Consumer Confusion – Bourbon Supplier Wins Trade Mark Battle
he average consumer is not a fool, but trade mark law is all about mistakes and unwitting assumptions they might be expected to make…

Judge Unravels Agatha Christie-Style Plot to Detect Will Forgery
Agatha Christie would struggle to imagine the plots of some inheritance disputes that come before the courts. That was certainly…