Holiday Pay headaches
During this long, hot summer the Supreme Court was busy considering how holiday pay for employees who work irregular hours should be…
Restrictive Covenants – are they worth the paper they’re written on?
It is understandable for an employer to want to protect its business in the event that one of its senior employees or…
Fear of COVID-19 is Not a Philosophical Belief
A fear of contracting COVID-19 or infecting others with the virus is both worthy of respect and readily understandable. However, an Employment…
Employers are Generally Entitled to Fruits of Their Employees’ Creativity
Inventive employees can find it galling that copyright in their creative works generally belongs not to them but to their employers. As…
Workplace Relationships Broken Down? Always Avoid a Knee-Jerk Response
Where irresolvable differences of opinion render an employment relationship entirely unworkable, dismissal may be justified. However, as one case showed, a knee-jerk…
Redundancy Selection – Subjective Performance Assessment is Not Enough
Conducting a fair redundancy process requires a careful, almost forensic approach and it is almost never good enough for employers to rely…
Tax Evasion May Put Employment Rights in Jeopardy
Tax evaders rarely understand the potential consequences of their wrongdoing. That was certainly so in the case of two cab drivers who…

Employer’s Hardline Anti-Corruption Policy Passes Legal Test
A senior employee of a software company was dismissed for gross misconduct after he authorised payment of the……

Employee or Self-Employed Partner? Guideline Tax Tribunal Ruling
When discerning whether an individual is an employee or a self-employed partner in a professional firm……

Employment Contracts and the Implication of Terms by Custom and Practice
Workers wishing to discern the extent of their entitlements need usually do no more than read their employment contracts. As one case…