
Harold Benjamin assists charities and other not-for-profit entities at every stage of their development. We work cross-departmentally to provide a co-ordinated, specialist service to the sector.

We have real-world experience of working with charities, for example, being called on to act as in-house legal advisors to charities and acting as trustees of charities. We offer pragmatic and technical insight into the challenges and rewards of the third sector.

We are committed to the work of the third sector and our services are tailored to meet the particular needs of these types of clients. Our services include:

  • the creation of new charitable entities and registration with
    the Charity Commission and HMRC;
  • restructuring and governance reviews, including on charity mergers and joint ventures;
  • regulatory investigations and charity litigation, including dealings with the Charity Commission
    and the Attorney General;
  • commercial and operational matters, including corporate partnership and sponsorship arrangements;
  • property sales and purchases, leases, mortgages, legal ownership;
  • tax aspects of charitable giving, including in relation to cross-border giving;
  • the establishment of other philanthropic structures, including Community Interest Companies; and
  • charity law and the responsibilities of charity trustees generally – this covers diverse issues such as meeting the public benefit requirement, managing conflicts of interest.

We provide customised legal advice that is related to your own specific requirements as a charity or a business.

If you would like to speak to us about our Charities sector services, please contact us on 020 8422 5678.

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