Harold Benjamin
Renewal of Commercial Leases – Intention is More than Mere Contemplation
The legal right that many commercial tenants enjoy to have their leases renewed can be overcome if their landlords ‘intend’ to occupy…
Tax Avoidance Schemes, No Matter How Intricate, May Not Be Effective
There is nothing unlawful about tax avoidance schemes but, however intricate and apparently foolproof they may be, their effectiveness can never be…
Can You Refuse Payment for Defective Goods? Guideline Contract Ruling
If goods you have received do not come up to specification, are you within your rights to refuse to pay for them?…
Disinherited Widow Can Pursue Reasonable Provision Claim Despite Delay
If someone on whom you depend financially dies without reasonably providing for you in their will, you should contact a solicitor straight…
Tax Evasion May Put Employment Rights in Jeopardy
Tax evaders rarely understand the potential consequences of their wrongdoing. That was certainly so in the case of two cab drivers who…
High Court Exercises Inherent Power to Order Children’s Return to England
Many families have one foot in the UK and another abroad and that can give rise to parental disagreement as to where…
Disability Discrimination by Association – Guideline EAT Decision
It may sound surprising, but you need not necessarily be disabled in order to suffer disability discrimination. As one case showed, it…

New Anti Money-Laundering Regulations affecting the Art Market
Patents reward originality, and inventions that are obvious developments on pre-existing designs……
Litigation – You Need a Lawyer to Navigate the Procedural Minefield
The litigation process can, to a non-lawyer, appear to be a maze of procedural rules replete with traps for the unwary. In…
COVID-19 – Retailer Unlawfully Refused Government Financial Support
If you run a business and feel that you were wrongly denied government financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic, you should contact…