Harold Benjamin

Employee or Self-Employed Partner? Guideline Tax Tribunal Ruling
When discerning whether an individual is an employee or a self-employed partner in a professional firm……

Parking Obstruction of Rights of Way – The Legal Principles Explained
The parking of cars along shared access routes is all too often a source of acrimony between neighbours. A High Court ruling provided…

Penal Clause ‘Cunningly Concealed’ in Telecommunications Contract
Onerous terms and conditions cunningly hidden amidst the small print of a contract are likely to be viewed as entirely worthless by…

High Court Clamps Down on Standardised Online Divorce Petitions
Workers wishing to discern the extent of their entitlements need usually do no more than read their The advent of so-called ‘no…

Employment Contracts and the Implication of Terms by Custom and Practice
Workers wishing to discern the extent of their entitlements need usually do no more than read their employment contracts. As one case…

Cowboy Builders Can Expect Stern Punishment – Court of Appeal Ruling
Cowboy builders who rip off householders are a well-known blight on society. As a Court of Appeal ruling showed, however, judges are well…

High Court Steps In to Unwind Former Friends’ Joint Property Venture
Friends who go into business together sadly often forget that personal relationships do not always stand the test of time. Trust alone…

Deduction of Accommodation Costs from Income Tax – Guideline Ruling
You are only able to deduct accommodation and other expenses from your Income Tax liabilities if they have been wholly, exclusively and…

Film Studios Faced by Piracy Scourge Granted Internet Blocking Orders
Wholesale copyright infringement – otherwise known as piracy – has been a feature of the internet almost since its inception. In coming…

Would Your Workplace Disciplinary Procedures Withstand ET Scrutiny?
Workplace disciplinary hearings should always be conducted on the assumption that the fairness of the procedure followed is in future…