Harold Benjamin
Late Payment of Tax – There Is Such a Thing as a Reasonable Excuse
Those who pay their taxes late can expect punishment – but there is such a thing as a reasonable excuse. In one…
Is Data Centre ‘White Space’ Subject to Business Rates? Question Answered
In order to be subject to non-domestic rates, a commercial space must be capable of beneficial occupation for the purpose for which…
Facing a Bank’s Formal Demand for Payment? You Are Not Powerless
When faced with a bank’s formal demand for payment, individual debtors can feel that there is little they can do but comply….
Ambiguous Wills – Court of Appeal Gives Effect to Deceased’s Intentions
Where words used in a will are ambiguous, judges will strive to interpret them in a way that gives effect to the…

Contract Adjudications – One Dispute or More? High Court Gives Guidance
A senior employee of a software company was dismissed for gross misconduct after he authorised payment of the……

Can the COVID-19 Crisis Justify Reopening Financial Orders in Divorce?
Can the economic havoc wreaked by the COVID-19 pandemic justify the re-drawing of final……

Employer’s Hardline Anti-Corruption Policy Passes Legal Test
A senior employee of a software company was dismissed for gross misconduct after he authorised payment of the……

Determined DIY Builders Score Important Victory Over HMRC
You may understandably feel overawed by the might of the tax authorities but, with the law on your side, the balance of…

Is Your Lease Under Threat of Forfeiture? Don’t Delay Consulting a Solicitor
Tenants who fail to pay their rent on time place themselves in real danger of having their leases forfeited. As a Court of…

High Court Aids Widow Left in Precarious Position by Husband’s Death
If someone on whom you depended for support has died……