Harold Benjamin

Inheritance and the Impact of Intestacy on Stepchildren
In an era of increasingly fluid family relationships, many children are brought up by step-parents – but what is the consequence of…

Company Accounts Cannot Be Retrospectively Adjusted for Convenience
A company’s accounts cannot be retrospectively adjusted to meet the convenience of its directors. …

Are You a Pandemic Home Worker? Do You Need Planning Permission?
Vast numbers of people have been prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic to take up working or running businesses from home – but…

Read This If Your Child Has Been Taken Abroad Without Your Consent
If your right to play a full part in your child’s life has been undermined by his or her wrongful removal from…

Overflying Jets – RAF Fends Off Unlawful Noise Nuisance Claim
Noise pollution may blight people’s lives, but it by no means always amounts to an unlawful nuisance for which compensation is payable….

Inheritance Tax Property Valuations – Don’t Dispense With Professional Advice
Residential property often represents the majority of a person’s wealth and valuing it for Inheritance Tax (IHT) purposes is, par excellence, a…

Maternity Discrimination Victim Receives Substantial Compensation
Maternity leave should be a period of joy and tranquillity but, all too often, it is marred by discrimination. …

Received an Adverse Tax Decision? Don’t Delay Seeking Professional Advice
If you are on the receiving end of an adverse tax decision, any delay in seeking legal advice can be fatal to…

Father Who Disinherited Daughter Lacked Capacity to Make a Valid Will
You are perfectly entitled to write your children or other close family members out of your will, but such a course can…

Business Relationship Fallen Apart? The Law Can Help Pick Up the Pieces
No matter how long and successful a business relationship may be, there is always a risk that it may end acrimoniously. Such…